University of Texas at El Paso Academic Catalog

Academic Catalog

Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Methods in Psychology

This program provides training in quantitative methods, experimental design, and statistical techniques that are in current use in the field of Psychology.  The program prepares students to conduct analyses of research data independently and to interpret study results.  This training will be useful to students applying for jobs in academic, basic, or applied (e.g. governmental, industrial) research settings.  Graduate students in Psychology are eligible for this certificate program.  Graduate students in other programs are eligible for the certificate program with approval from the Graduate Program Director. 

Requirements include: 9 hours of required courses, 9 hours of elective courses, a supplemental requirement (e.g., serving as an instructor or teaching assistant for an approved course), and a colloquium presentation requirement. 

Academic Policies

Departmental Academic Standards

In addition to the University requirement that all students admitted into graduate programs must maintain an overall cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in all upper-division and graduate courses, the Department of Psychology requires in all graduate programs students who attempt a course or courses and receive two grades of C or lower in Psychology courses be dismissed from the program. Students who earn a grade of C or lower in a course must retake the course the next time it is offered and earn a grade of B or better.

Transfer Students with Graduate Credit

Students accepted into the PhD program with graduate credit from The University of Texas at El Paso (including the Psychology Department) or from another university must satisfy the same requirements as those beginning their PhD graduate training in Psychology at UTEP without previously earned graduate credits. The student can petition the Graduate Program Committee to accept a maximum of 24 hours of graduate credit (excluding thesis hours) completed at UTEP or at another institution. Approved credits will appear as Advanced Standing Credit on the Preliminary Plan of Study. Students who have taken PSYC 5301 (Research Applications) from UTEP prior to admission to the PhD program can request that a maximum of three (3) credit hours for this course be included in the 24 hours that can be counted toward their PhD degree, as long as those hours were not used to meet requirements for a previous or separate degree.  A doctoral student who wishes to apply more than six (6) transfer credits toward a master's degree at UTEP must obtain prior approval from the department's Graduate Program Director.
The student must make a written request to the Graduate Program Director for Advanced Standing Credit. It is the student’s responsibility to provide all evidence and material necessary for the Graduate Program Director to review the request. Advanced Standing Credits are subject to final approval from the Graduate School. Transfer students can be considered for Department of Psychology Evaluation of Advancement to Dissertation only after they complete two academic semesters and all relevant requirements.

Degree Plan

Required Credits: 18

Quantitative Methods in Psychology (All courses require a grade of C or better)
Required Courses:
PSYC 5010 Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.0
PSYC 5310 Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.3
PSYC 5311 Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.3
PSYC 5334 Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.3
PSYC 6010Quantitative Cert Suppl Req0
Select two courses from the following:6
PSYC 5302
Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.
PSYC 5303
Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.
PSYC 5304
Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.
PSYC 5335
Course currently in degree plan, but no longer offered. Please see advisor for substitution.
Structural Equation Modeling
Seminar in Meta-Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis
Graduate Level Elective:
Select three hours from the following:3
Topics in Applied Mathematics
Principles of Analysis
Principles of Algebra
Numerical Analysis
Comp Methods of Linear Algebra
Real Variables
Techniques in Optimization
General Topology
Numer Solution Part Diff Equat
Numerical Optimization
Complex Variables
Special Topics
Mathematical Statistics I
Mathematical Statistics II
Statistics in Research
Multivariate Data Analysis
Time Series Analysis
Statistical Computing
Graduate Research
Thesis 1
Thesis 2
Topics in Optimization
Theories/Methods Psychotherapy
Behavioral Medicine
Seminar in General Psychology
Clinical Internship
Research Applications
Structural Equation Modeling
Seminar in Meta-Analysis
Categorical Data Analysis
Appl Correlation & Regres Meth
Experimentl Design/Anal of Var
Seminar in Psychopathology
Program Evaluation
PSYC 6319
Social Behavior
Foundations of Research
Research Design/Data Analysis
Special Topics in Psyc & Law
Survey of Legal Psychology
Behavioral Medicine
Seminar in General Psychology
Scientific Writing
Animal Learning & Behavior
Behavioral Neuroscience
First Year Research
First Year Research
Research Applications
Field Placement
Total Hours18